How I Pinterest my Day!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Mesa Falls

Last Sunday we went with our friends Todd and Kristen to Mesa Falls for a picnic. Here are some pictures! =)

We were very entertained throwing rocks and pine cones over the side to see how far they would drop. But once we threw a stick to watch it fall down the waterfall and all we saw was it disappear as soon as it hit the water, Taron decided it he needed to throw something much bigger so we could see it. He wasn't supposed to be down there...


The Evidence.

The Waterfall!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Chosen Generation

I am reading a book called No One Can Take Your Place by Sheri dew right now and I had some thoughts that I had to write down but I don't have my journal with me. So please bear with me because I needed to write it down somewhere and my blog was the most convenient place at the moment.

In this part of my book, she is speaking about how we are called here at this time to be the chosen generation. Nothing new, although its always nice to hear, I've heard this before. But then one line stood out to me. "Repeatedly Gordon B. Hinkley has told the youth and young adults of the Church that they are 'the best generation we have ever had' and the trend wont stop.

August will be our year anniversary and naturally the question has started to form of when we are ready to start having kids. I am absolutely thrilled to think that this can be a possibility whenever we want, I have always loved my children, not even knowing yet who they are and I am finally in a phase in my life where all my day dreams about being a mother is actually tangible when we decide it to be. As happy as the thought of children make me, the thought of being a mother to teenagers stops me short. I am absolutely terrified of raising teenagers! I went through my own little rebellion in high school and I am terrified of not only passing this on to my own children, but just the plain fact that the world is getting worse and worse and Satan is pulling out all his best sneaky tricks. Of course this fear never has had me consider not having children, I couldn't stand it. But I also can't stand the thought of having teenagers, I physically just can't think about it. But when Sherri Dew said in her book "...and the trend wont stop." All the sudden it didn't feel so scary to have teenagers. I know there is always the possibility of my children making terrible decisions but at least now I don't feel as if they are doomed. In fact, they may even be great! Our children (either future or already here) are also a chosen generation and probably are even more specially chosen than we were to withstand this ever increasingly sinful world.

I don't know, the thought just comforted me.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Birthday!

What a fun weekend, Saturday was my birthday! Taron and I both had a free weekend so we decided to catch the shuttle down to Utah this weekend so we could pick up our car because Tevan was awesome and drove it up to Provo from California for us. We got to Provo Friday night and went and saw Iron man 2 with Tevan and Lanae. Saturday we slept in till eight (Which is sleeping in for me since I get up at 5:00 everyday.) Than had breakfast, OPENED PRESENTS, and then met everyone at Tevan's apartment for lunch. We ate pirate pizza! =)

Pirates singing me happy birthday! =)

Tevan and Taron fought all day!

I then spent the day visiting a few friends and it was so fun to see them and spend a little bit of time with them. We went to Krispy Kreme!

For the finale of the day, Tevan and Lanae went with us to Jump On It! Soooooo much fun! It was so fun to jump and around and play! After a long winter stuck in doors watching movies it felt really good to run and jump around for a little bit. I can't wait for it to stay nice outside because once it does all I'm gonna do is run around outside!

And here is my niece Becca! She gets more and more adorable each time we see her! =)

This birthday really was all I could have wanted and more! Escaping Rexburg, visiting friends and family I haven't seen in a long time, presents, pirate pizza, great weather and playing with Taron! This birthday I also realized how lucky I was to have all the friends and family that I do. So many people remembered my birthday and it made me feel so good! Thank you everyone for making this such a wonderful birthday! =)

Friday, May 7, 2010


It's 5:00 AM and I'm at work again. (Don't worry no creepy men today!) So I just got to work, turned on all the lights, got myself situated and now I'm trying to take off my coat....but i can't! The dumb tie that makes my coat cute wont untie! For some reason when leaving this morning I decided to do some sort of super knot! So I've been struggling for about fifteen minutes, and here I am...sitting with my coat all the way off except the dumb tie is still stuck around my waist and its too tight to squeeze through. I hope I can get it off before my co-worker comes in at 8:00! how embarrassing...