How I Pinterest my Day!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Waking up from Winter Hibernation

Today is my most favorite day of the whole year, the first day of spring! At home I always knew when spring was on its way when I saw those tiny little white flowers that always grew on our property that you could step on and they would pop back up. I always thought it was a good way to start off spring with these little flowers because I felt like because they could always pop back up, they were here to stay and so was spring! Every spring when I first saw the flowers I would ceramoniously dance ontop of the flowers (because it was fun to see them pop back up) with my face pointed up towards the sunshine! The next flowers that would come were the honeysuckles. I would not dance ontop of these flowers because one: they would not pop back up, and two: I fully believed Tammy when she told me that fairies lived in them. To this day I still tred carefully around honeysuckles...just in case. I also love the begining of spring because thats when the birds come out and sing their happiest songs. I feel like their exciting little burst of songs express my feelings exacataly. It amazes me every spring to feel the difference in my body. I definiately get the winter blues, even if I don't notice it much in the winter, I notice the change in the Summer. I get this sudden burst of happiness when I feel that first ray of sun. I get this urge to do all my favoirte things, read all day out on the lawn, sit outside and paint the mountains, sing in the shower, run and get in shape, play tennis, and basically any active thing that involves playing in the sunshine. So happy spring everyone! Wake up with me from winter hibernation and enjoy this happy weather while it lasts!


  1. Hooray for Spring!!! You are too cute. I never thought about treading lightly around honeysuckles. We would alaways pick them and suck out the sweet nectar ourselves. yum! ;)

    Enjoy Spring! It is the best time of year ever!

  2. You are such a funny girl! I definitely know what you mean! I think I've felt it this spring more than any other I can remember. Spring is here and it's great! I feel like running and dancing along with ya!

  3. Hi sweet girl. The birds are singing and the little white flowers are everywhere. Honeysuckles are magical...Remember your magic beans? Your imagination has always been an inspiration to me. Keep believing, I am right there with you!
