How I Pinterest my Day!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A little bit sleepy?

Taron and I recently decided that we were poor so I went and applied for food stamps. During my interview, Calvin was being fussy and it was taking a long time because there was a lot of information the guy needed to put into the computer. So there I was rocking Calvin in his car seat, not paying attention to the guy at all when I looked up and had to do a double take...stare at him for a good minute just to be sure, and yup, sure enough he was asleep!!! Sitting straight up, one hand on the keyboard and one hand on the mouse. Well this is awkward. I sat there for a minute or two more trying not to wake him up by my stifled chuckles...then a minute or two more... what do I do? Taron replied to a text I send him was, "are you sure he is still breathing?" I'm pretty sure he is breathing... so I turned the noise up on my phone hoping the text message sound would wake him up and texted Taron a few more times all the while planning my escape for help if he wasn't breathing. Didn't even stir, well sometimes its handy to have a baby. I messed with Calvin until he let out a cry and the man jumped awake and muttered an apology. Something about a long night. Lol poor guy! I tried so hard to hide my smile but there was no way he didn't notice the big grin on my face while I told him not to worry about it.

I kick my self every day for not taking a picture of him sleeping.


  1. How hilarious is that?!!? I've seen Trevor do that many a times (poor guy), but thankfully it's always been at home, later at night. But at work?! When you've actually got someone in your office!? TOO funny! Sorry about being poor fun :(

  2. Awesome. That's ridiculously funny!

  3. Funniest thing EVER! He should have doubled your stamps!

  4. Ha ha. That is hilarious! I was laughing so hard when I read this that Steve was looking at me like I was crazy. Ha ha.
