How I Pinterest my Day!

Friday, February 12, 2010

A little bit of Sunshine.

All I can think about lately is how beautiful life is! Rexburg in general this winter hasn't been its normal below zero degree weather but instead it has been in the twenty and thirties most of the winter. This has given me the opportunity to actually appreciate the snow. I cut across this field every morning when I walk to school and I have beaten a track through the snow. One day while walking through this field my path was covered by fresh snow and right in the middle of my trudging I was suddenly struck with how absolutely beautiful this field of fresh snow was. I can't really explain how I felt but we just never know what random moments will impact us.

For lack of a better term I think I'm like a happiness leech. I've notice anything bright and happy and precious I am drawn too, and I cling to it. I love sunshine, daisies, and pastel colors. I recently bought a yellow gerber daisy plant and every morning I wake up or everytime I come home I can't help it but go say hello to my happy yellow daisies. They sit on our table because that is the only place they can feel the sunshine through our window. All the buds have opened up and each one is stretched toward the window so it can soak up as much sunshine as possible. I can't help but feel like this plant and I have something in common, both of our bodies just yearn for the same things and everytime I look at them they fill my heart with a little bit of their sunshine. There are so many things, moments, family and friends that each can fill our hearts with a little bit of sunshine.


  1. Good for you Sami!! And I'm glad to hear that you like the snow too! :)

  2. This makes me think of the Dwarves in The Hobbit. "We like the dark. Dark for dark business."

  3. Yay Sam! So good to hear from you. I love getting caught up in moments of joy. One of the highlights of my life is on occasion there will be that quintessential break in the clouds with streaming rays of light sprawling across the lanscape around our house. With the mountains and the new temple in view those are my favorite moments. ;)

  4. I think that is why you like cats so much...there is nothing like curling up on a soft comfy spot and basking in the sun all afternoon...they have more in common with us then we think, we just don't get to DO all the things we want to like they do.
