How I Pinterest my Day!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Our First Married Christmas!

I had a very different Christmas this year! The first major, yet best difference of all was that I am married! The second huge difference was that this was my first Christmas away from home. To start off our Christmas Taron and I decided to have our own little Christmas together before we traveled to Southern California to open up the gifts from my family. He had it the day before we left which just so happened to be on our four monthaversary! We watched A Christmas Story on "Christmas Eve." And on Christmas morning I woke up early but waited patiently for Taron because Sunday is his only day to sleep in. I think he could feel my restlessness because he finally rolled over and told me "Will you get out of bed already?" This was my cue to run to our living room and plant myself right in front of our tree and presents! Taron got to the living room first so he could plug in the tree for me before I came in (my parents always had the tree plugged in before we got into the living room which makes Christmas morning much more magical!)

After presents we made a very fancy Christmas morning breakfast of pancakes, bacon and little smokies! So Yummy! I've never had so much bacon and little smokies to myself before! I don't have to share as much when there are only two of us! We ended up leaving for Utah that night but not before we watched one of our new movies from Christmas.

Driving to Utah was uneventful. But the rest of the drive the next day was not so fortunate. To cut a long story short (because my blogs are always too long) we got in a three or four hour traffic jam and right when traffic finally started to pick back up we rear-ended a girl who rear ended someone else directly in front of us. We ended up getting towed to Barstow then Taron's brother's Thane and Tevan rescued us and drove us the rest of the way.

Christmas at Taron's house was wonderful! I was sad that to be away from home but I was happy to have so much time to spend with my new family and get to know them. I was so lazy it was wonderful! After such a crazy semester it was nice to sleep in, sit around and talk to everyone and play games. Christmas morning at six Taron and I heard mom and Tevan out in the living room. Taron poked me and I jumped out of bed ready to join them for Christmas! But instead of groggy pajamas sitting around the Christmas tree they were fully dressed and ready to head out the door. "We're having a baby!" Christmas morning was postponed till later that afternoon so Torri and Scott's baby Heath R. Ralston could be welcomed into the world! Heath is so tiny and adorable and I enjoyed every second I got to hold him! I wish I would have taken pictures of him...but I didn't. Torri you should post pics of him on your blog. =)

The Nativity and Logan as a wise man.

Christmas Morning!

Our mysteriously heavy gift from Tevan that didn't rattle in any way.

It was wrapped twice....and wrapped again...and again...and again...

Christmas morning Orange Bownots!

Taron helping Mom with Christmas dinner!
Happy New Year!


  1. Thank you for sharing your wonderful time(even if you were away from home) I was so happy you were with such lovely family!!

  2. Yo! Where'd did you guys get that Emperor Palps ornament?!?! That is the sweetest thing ever.

  3. We were so happy to get to spend two weeks with you. It was fun to play, talk and get to know you better. Even if I had to share auntie duties. ;)

  4. So fun! I'm glad we finally got up there and got to see you for a little bit!

